Friday, 2 August 2013

Appreciating life in uncertain times...

Happy Birthday!
It's what we say to the people that we love and the people who loves us say to us. Everyone has a birthday and it is a thing we can all share in common. Some of us look forward to our birthdays, some do not. Every year we face getting older, but even so, it is a celebration of life and achievement, of love and kindness. We feel invincible on our birthdays. 'It's my day, nothing can go wrong.' However it can do and it's even worse when it's someone else is suffering on their birthday and there isn't anything that you can do about it as much as you want to.

It may be something that scares you out of your skin and you just want to jump out of your body and run, just run somewhere, run away from the scaring frighting, uncontrollable thing that is hurting someone else. We avoid what we fear, but does that really help anyone? The anxiety and shock of the uncertain. The uncertain mind of the uncertain sufferer. To only we relax when we have identified the problem.

We have to accept our anxious sufferings sometimes until they disappear on their own, no matter how odd and discomforting it can feel as the heart pumps crazily round the body, trying to understand it's host.

Bodies are odd and they try to protect us. They keep us alive and do all they can too, until they really can't.

So the best gift on a birthday is a life. Your life, your families life, your friends life, those people you love, their lives. Each life is a special gift, more so than the presents unwrapped early before breakfast,. It's no more important than life itself. And when you know someone that you love and care about is okay, then you can really appreicate the importance of their life on their birthday and how glad that probably feel they still have it.