It’s amazing what you
can write in blogs. I suppose that I have been feeling afraid recently.
Afraid of who I am, or where I had gone. As an Introvert labeling ourselves separates
us more from the rest of the world. There is so much influence in the media
that molds us into something this fixed ideal. Something lifts me up and
refreshes me when I see a girl that lets her natural curly hair run wild or
wearing high heels even though she is tall. I like the girls, the women who
step outside of that mold and rebels. Like I do. Sometimes you can feel so alone
walking the other way from the crowd as they make you feel guilty for not going
to that club last night. Oh she’s not sociable, she’s not important. They don’t
they anything but you know. I have a very sociable life, thank you very much
and that is made up of close knit of genuine friends and not some ones for
being used for. I like sitting round a kitchen table with some tea or some wine
laughing and talking about crazy things in this world or just making jokes.
Socialising as a teenager or a student doesn’t mean going out on the town. It’s
about being comfortable with people alike and having a good time no matter
where you are and what you are doing. I like having a good time and I like
being quirky. It’s fun.
I was watching YouTube and I'm not the kind of person who absorbs themselves in cats and dogs but rather the more interesting stuff (in my opinion) - vloggers. I love their enthusiasm for what they do and then they describe themselves as quiet characters who use the internet to express themselves and make themselves known to the world. It's quite exciting and I suppose I do that too through words.
Briefly popping back to the Introvert label have so closely talked about in my posts, particularly on the Myers-Briggs groupings, I think I will like to say that I took a bit too extreme. I almost felt I had to live up the expectations of these four letters and I felt confused and lost and realised that no one can be exactly those things, it's just a rough guide. Ironically Isabelle Myers was an INFP and Carl Jung was an INFJ - both personality types I crossed over and both personality types that are most interested in self discovery. They were finding their paths but creating those groups and finding out where they belong. I think it's different now. I should be searching who I am in a different way. Don't get too immersed in these things as they can make you go a bit nuts. Just keep the star sign name and you'll do fine.
Inspiration for this post goes to: - BECOMING YOUTUBE
(great for those who want to start YouTube or enjoy expressing themselves online) - An amazingly bubbly and quirky YouTuber I was talking about. Just subscribed.
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